Wednesday 6 April 2016

Nice to Meet You Samuel Edeki Ejekudor • Dare to DREAM Series

I find myself reading everything that concerns life; and as I do this constantly, I see every breath I take become a privilege. I'm a born Writer and Prophet. I know that now.  I desire every word that I may write and speak to pass Quatercentenaries; every last sentence glorifying the existence of God. But more importantly, my dream in life is to die to myself; for unless a seed dies, it remains alone...but if it dies, it becomes fruitful. I believe a wheat seed cannot become bread unless it dies first.  
Everyday. That is what I desire. Die to self, that another may live...

- Samuel Edeki EjekudorLagos (Nigeria)
Visionary behind the soulful project Bookfence.
Photo, courtesy of Samuel Edeki Ejekudor

T H E   I N T E R V I E W • 

If there was a book written about your life, which author would tell it best and why?
Ow wow! I think no one would do it better than Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. His imagination is impeccable; a true expressionist of an author. The only person I think that could be close to his astral plane is Og Mandino; Og Mandino is a gift.

What do you love about yourself? soul.

Name two people who influenced your journey thus far 
The non-Conformists, the ones who will never allow peace if error is present; from the likes of John Calvin "the great reformer" who once stood against the prelates and said "Even a dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet remain silent." were his words; 

The non-pusillanimous, the ones that will not submit no matter the obstacle life throws at them; who will say to themselves "if the bodies of those who have failed before me were to pile one atop another and though cast its shadows upon all the pyramids of the earth. Yet I will not fail as the others"....Inky Johnson is one of them.

What have you been reading lately?
"1984" by George Orwell... it's a masterpiece.

What are the three destinations of your dreams?
And for timeless sake, the hearts of the ones I love and people.

Photo, courtesy of Samuel Edeki Ejekudor

How would you describe your fashion style?
Uhmm I would say timeless... anything timeless, which is a lifestyle. My favorites are The classics, from Brogues to a classic double breasted suit; you know sometimes I join the younger ones and put on a couple jackets and maybe a Nike huarache here or there hahahaha I'm only 23 but I'd like to think of myself as an old soul.

Tell us two things that make you smile.
Hmm well I would say, the understanding of a child. And its innocence; I'm ever so fascinated by a child's is pure and beautiful.

What are your two favorite quotes of the moment?
"You are beautiful but you are empty, one could not die for you."

"Listen my son, when you meet someone always remember all you see is nothing but a shell, what is most important is invisible."  

Tell us one pleasant thing people would be surprised to know about you. 
Hmm I kind of recognize and appreciate the little things; they really are not little to me. Like your kind words Anaëlle, they mean a lot to me... you just don't know.

For you, Art is...
...freedom on a Canvas, these days anything can be your Canvas; the possibilities are endless.

According to you, what is the purpose of life?
The same purpose it was in the beginning...Intimacy with the father; that is purpose. To recognize and multiply every potential you find within and out of you is your assignment on earth. I try not to confuse one for the other or get the two mixed up. I see people do it these days.

Connect with Samuel Edeki Ejekudor here: @edeky

The Nice to Meet You Interview is Aile Rėve's signature. It is our way to soulfully connect with the artist and visionary. The NTMY allows us to take off for a voyage into the furthest reaches of their mind, with love, humility, and poetry.

Anaëlle Naná Moon Watå
Mermaid-in-Chief @AileReve 

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