Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Working with Thyme | Travailler avec le thym #HerbsMoon #LuneDeGrain

Thymus veut dire "parfumer" à cause de l'odeur agréable que la plante dégage. Le thym pousse spontanément dans les pays du pourtour méditerranéen et est connu depuis la plus lointaine Antiquité. Les Égyptiens et les Étrusques le faisaient entrer dans les préparations servant à l'embaumement de leurs morts; les Grecs en brûlaient devant l'autel de leurs dieux et en mettaient aussi dans leurs plats, les Romains faisaient de même, quant aux femmes, elles l'employaient en eau de toilette et onguent pour entretenir leur beauté. Les feuilles de thym sont riches en huile essentielle dont les propriétés sont mises à profit en phytothérapie. Elle est très antiseptique et utilisée à ce titre pour soigner les infections pulmonaires. Mis à part son activité pulmonaire, le thym s'utilise aussi pour les problèmes intestinaux et soigne les ballonnements. Le thym a des vertus stimulantes et antivirales et peut à ce titre être utilisé pour prévenir les récidives d'herpès ou de zona. 

Kitchen Witchery
Small amounts of this herb are sedative, whereas larger amounts are stimulant. Thyme is used against hookworm, roundworms, and threadworms.
Thyme also warms and stimulates the lungs, expels mucus, and relieves congestion. It also helps deter bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. Thyme aids in the digestion of high fat foods, and has been used to preserve meat.
Known topical applications include its use as a gargle and mouthwash for dental decay, laryngitis, mouth sores, plaque formation, sore throat, thrush, tonsillitis, and bad breath.
Thyme has been used as a compress for lung congestion such as asthma, bronchitis, colds and flu, and as a poultice for wounds, mastitis, insect bites and stings. It has also been used as an eyewash for sore eyes, and as a hair rinse for dandruff. The essential oil is added to soaps and antidepressant inhalations.

Thyme is Magick
This herb has a long tradition of being used in sacred rites, and is popular in midsummer rituals. It promotes psychic development and helps us to connect to the spiritual plane. Thyme is also used in love spells and is popular with fairy spirits. Ruled by Venus and linked to the element water, it makes a great magical tea. 

Thyme can be used in magick spells to increase strength and courage.
When working hard to achieve a goal that seems un-achievable, thyme can be used in spells to help you keep a positive attitude.
Smudge your home with thyme to dispel melancholy, hopelessness and other mellow but negative vibrations, especially after a family tragedy or during a long sickness.
Place thyme beneath your pillow for a restful sleep and happy dreams and to prevent nightmares.
Faeries love thyme. Its addition to your garden will attract them and it can be used in spells to communicate with faeries.
Thyme is excellent in ritual baths and smudging for early spring festivals when we seek to leave the old behind and begin anew.
Learning about herbs is beneficial for both cooking and medicine making. Those who are naturally drawn to herbal magic have an affinity with Nature. They innerstand the power of plants, herbs, and flowers, and their place in the world. You do not control nature; you learn to work with it. The power to take control of your health is available to you. You got this. ||| Aile Reve | Herbs Moon Celebration 

Le Grimoire des Herbes Magiques
The Epicentre, Encyclopedia of Spices
The Beginner's Guide to Wicca by Kisten Riddle

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