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La lavande parfume mais aussi désinfecte, cicatrise, calme, stimule, tonifie, et régularise. L'huile essentielle tirée de la lavande est un puissant antiseptique. Tonique réputé, la lavande est aussi appréciée comme antidiabétique dans certaines régions d'Espagne. En outre, au début de XXe siècle, un parfumeur-chimiste qui s'était brûlé les mains a pu empêcher la gangrène de s'installer en les rinçant à l'essence de lavande. Dans les hôpitaux français, on utilisa pendant plusieurs décennies des huiles essentielles, dont celle de la lavande, pour désinfecter l'air et enrayer ainsi les infections microbiennes et fongiques. La lavande est une herbe de l'Air très parfumée, elle recèle une grande pureté. Son énergie est douce, non surchargeante et facile à employer. Elle attire la lumière et les bonnes influences.
Kitchen Witchery
Lavender is one of the most versatile herbs. Its various health benefits range from pain relief and mental clarity to use as an anti-bacterial cleanser and a natural deodorant. Lavender can be applied as an essential oil, dried herb, distilled in water, and as (edible) therapeutic-grade oil. Lavender also promotes menstruation and blood flow to the pelvic area. The health benefits of lavender essential oil include its ability to remove nervous tension, relieve pain, disinfect scalp and skin, enhance blood circulation, and to treat respiratory problems. An all-round miracle-worker, lavender has long been used to promote sleep and cure headaches, and as a tonic for colds and flu. A sedative tea can be made with newly opened flower buds that will help with any headaches and faintness. Lavender smelling salts were used to revive people who have fainted. It is also used as a cure for hoarseness and soothing sore joints. A soothing lavender salve is used for inflammations, cuts and burns. A few drops of oil in bathwater to destress or the burning of the essential oil will relax and induce feelings of well being.
Lavender in Magick
Lavender is masculine in action. Ruled by the element air, lavender can be used in spells for love, peace, purification, and happiness. It is also useful in spells to sharpen the mind, to encourage or strengthen pure love, and to encourage fertility. Stuffing a pillow with lavender buds may help insomniac relax and fall asleep and soothes headaches.
Learning about herbs is beneficial for both cooking and medicine making. Those who are naturally drawn to herbal magic have an affinity with Nature. They innerstand the power of plants, herbs, and flowers, and their place in the world. You do not control nature; you learn to work with it. The power to take control of your health is available to you. You got this. ||| Aile Reve | Herbs Moon Celebration
Grimoire de Serene
Le Grimoire des Herbes Magiques
Passeport Santé
The Epicentre, Encyclopedia of Spices
The Beginner's Guide to Wicca by Kisten Riddle
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