Kitchen Witchery
The oils sage have antiseptic, astringent, and irritant properties. This makes sage useful in treating sore throats, mouth irritations, and possibly cuts and bruises.
Sage is used to relieve excess mucous buildup. It is beneficial to the mind by easing mental exhaustion, soothing nerves, and by strengthening the concentrating abilities. In a lotion or salve, it is useful for treating sores and skin eruptions, excessive sweating, and for stopping bleeding in all cuts. Chewing the fresh leaves soothes mouth sores and sore throats, as will sage tea.
It is good for all stomach troubles, diarrhea, gas, flu and colds. As a hair rinse, it removes and treats dandruff. Sage combined with peppermint, rosemary, and wood betony provides an excellent headache remedy.
It is used to regulate the menstrual cycle, to decrease milk flow in lactating women, aids in treating hot flashes, and is used as a deodorant. The essential oil is used in aromatherapy to cleanse and purify the air. In a carrier oil, it makes an excellent deodorant.
Sage also contains terpene, camphor, and salvene. An essential oil is extracted from freshly harvested leaves by steam distillation and this is used in seasonings for pork sausages, processed foods, perfumes, confectionery, naouthwashes and gargles. Sage tea has antiseptic qualities and makes a good gargle for sore throats.
Sage may boost insulin action, and therefore, a daily cup of tea may be helpful for those with diabetes. Use one or two teaspoons of dried sage leaves to one cup of boiling water.
Sage in Magick
Ruled by the element air, sage is a great herb for healing and for cleansing the aura. Natives Americans traditionally use sage in smudge sticks, which they burn to cleanse themselves.
Sage is used in magical workings for immortality, longevity, wisdom, protection and the granting of wishes.
To make a wish, write your wish on a sage leaf and sleep with it under your pillow for three days and then bury it.
Learning about herbs is beneficial for both cooking and medicine making. Those who are naturally drawn to herbal magic have an affinity with Nature. They innerstand the power of plants, herbs, and flowers, and their place in the world. You do not control nature; you learn to work with it. The power to take control of your health is available to you. You got this. ||| Aile Reve | Herbs Moon Celebration
Le Grimoire des Herbes Magiques
The Epicentre, Encyclopedia of Spices
The Beginner's Guide to Wicca by Kisten Riddle
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