Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Working with Vervain | Travailler avec la verveine #HerbsMoon #LuneDeGrain

La Verveine officinale, c'est l'herbe à tous les maux, le guérit-tout, l'herbe aux sorciers, l'herbe du sang. Elle a été, partout et longtemps, la plante magique par excellence. La Verveine officinale, à ne pas confondre avec la Verveine odorante, est une plante vivace, inodore et digestive. Elle stimule l'estomac, combat les vertiges et les migraines. Elle est surtout recommandée pour son importante action contre les rhumatismes, les douleurs, les suites de coups et de chocs, les ecchymoses, et les foulures qu'elle soulage. 

The Vervain is a good plant for a wildlife garden because both bees and butterflies find it attractive. Vervain likes a sunny spot and is not picky about soil provided it does not allow standing water. Plant the seeds in the spring with a very light covering. They may take a few weeks to germinate but will come back year after year.

Kitchen Witchery
The Vervain is recommended for healing. Vervain tea is bitter but relaxing. It is a good nerve tonic and may help with mild insomnia. It is also useful for people suffering from work related stress. Women who are experiencing problems with menstruation due to stress may also find some relief from taking vervain tea. This tea may also help with bladder problems and acts as a diuretic. It can help with gall bladder issues and stimulates the liver.
Excessive use of vervain tea may lead to nausea.
Vervain flowers may be placed in a dish with salt for several days to flavor the salt and add its unique energy to foods seasoned with the salt. Strain out the verbena flowers before using the salt.
Vervain can help to overcome anxiety and negative emotions. It's also linked to poets and can help you to tap into your creative side. 

Vervain in Magick
The magic of vervain is said to be the strongest when it is gathered after sunset or before dawn on the dark of the moon. A libation of milk or honey should be left after gathering the plant. Leaves should be harvested before the flowers are open. The root may be dug up after the plant dies back in the fall. The herb is best used fresh but may be hung to dry in a dark, well ventilated place.
Governed by Venus, the scent of this herb is thought to be a powerful aphrodisiac. Associated with the summer solstice, it is sacred to druids, and is used in protection spells and to cleanse an area or magical tools before a ritual. 
Learning about herbs is beneficial for both cooking and medicine making. Those who are naturally drawn to herbal magic have an affinity with Nature. They innerstand the power of plants, herbs, and flowers, and their place in the world. You do not control nature; you learn to work with it. The power to take control of your health is available to you. You got this. ||| Aile Reve | Herbs Moon Celebration 

Le Grimoire des Herbes Magiques
The Beginner's Guide to Wicca by Kisten Riddle

Working with Thyme | Travailler avec le thym #HerbsMoon #LuneDeGrain

Thymus veut dire "parfumer" à cause de l'odeur agréable que la plante dégage. Le thym pousse spontanément dans les pays du pourtour méditerranéen et est connu depuis la plus lointaine Antiquité. Les Égyptiens et les Étrusques le faisaient entrer dans les préparations servant à l'embaumement de leurs morts; les Grecs en brûlaient devant l'autel de leurs dieux et en mettaient aussi dans leurs plats, les Romains faisaient de même, quant aux femmes, elles l'employaient en eau de toilette et onguent pour entretenir leur beauté. Les feuilles de thym sont riches en huile essentielle dont les propriétés sont mises à profit en phytothérapie. Elle est très antiseptique et utilisée à ce titre pour soigner les infections pulmonaires. Mis à part son activité pulmonaire, le thym s'utilise aussi pour les problèmes intestinaux et soigne les ballonnements. Le thym a des vertus stimulantes et antivirales et peut à ce titre être utilisé pour prévenir les récidives d'herpès ou de zona. 

Kitchen Witchery
Small amounts of this herb are sedative, whereas larger amounts are stimulant. Thyme is used against hookworm, roundworms, and threadworms.
Thyme also warms and stimulates the lungs, expels mucus, and relieves congestion. It also helps deter bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. Thyme aids in the digestion of high fat foods, and has been used to preserve meat.
Known topical applications include its use as a gargle and mouthwash for dental decay, laryngitis, mouth sores, plaque formation, sore throat, thrush, tonsillitis, and bad breath.
Thyme has been used as a compress for lung congestion such as asthma, bronchitis, colds and flu, and as a poultice for wounds, mastitis, insect bites and stings. It has also been used as an eyewash for sore eyes, and as a hair rinse for dandruff. The essential oil is added to soaps and antidepressant inhalations.

Thyme is Magick
This herb has a long tradition of being used in sacred rites, and is popular in midsummer rituals. It promotes psychic development and helps us to connect to the spiritual plane. Thyme is also used in love spells and is popular with fairy spirits. Ruled by Venus and linked to the element water, it makes a great magical tea. 

Thyme can be used in magick spells to increase strength and courage.
When working hard to achieve a goal that seems un-achievable, thyme can be used in spells to help you keep a positive attitude.
Smudge your home with thyme to dispel melancholy, hopelessness and other mellow but negative vibrations, especially after a family tragedy or during a long sickness.
Place thyme beneath your pillow for a restful sleep and happy dreams and to prevent nightmares.
Faeries love thyme. Its addition to your garden will attract them and it can be used in spells to communicate with faeries.
Thyme is excellent in ritual baths and smudging for early spring festivals when we seek to leave the old behind and begin anew.
Learning about herbs is beneficial for both cooking and medicine making. Those who are naturally drawn to herbal magic have an affinity with Nature. They innerstand the power of plants, herbs, and flowers, and their place in the world. You do not control nature; you learn to work with it. The power to take control of your health is available to you. You got this. ||| Aile Reve | Herbs Moon Celebration 

Le Grimoire des Herbes Magiques
The Epicentre, Encyclopedia of Spices
The Beginner's Guide to Wicca by Kisten Riddle

Working with Rosemary | Travailler avec le romarin #HerbsMoon #LuneDeGrain

Le romarin c'est aussi la rosée de mer et l'herbe aux couronnes, une plante masculine dédiée au soleil. Cette herbe aromatique émet des ondes purificatrices de très haute puissance lorsqu'on la brûle. Les feuilles de romarin renferment une huile essentielle à laquelle il doit ses propriétés intéressantes sur le système digestif. Le romarin stimule le fonctionnement de la vésicule biliaire. Il s'utilise pour soigner les bronchites grâce à son huile essentielle antiseptique. Placées sous l'oreiller, ou mieux encore mélangées au duvet qui bourre cet oreiller, quelques sommités fleuries assurent un bon sommeil paisible, réparateur, exempt de cauchemars. 
Beauty Care
- An infusion of rosemary makes an excellent hair rinse, gradually covering gray hair, and adding strength and shine to any color hair. It also helps reduce dandruff and stimulate hair growth. Rosemary oil rubbed into the ends of hair will also help reduce split ends.
- Rosemary oil massaged into the scalp is believed to prevent baldness and stimulate hair growth. 
- Massaging the body with rosemary oil will increase circulation, relieve aches and pains and warm the limbs.
- Used as a toner, rosemary will help bring blood to the surface of the skin and acts as an antiseptic and astringent.

Nota: Rosemary should not be used medicinally by pregnant women, but it is okay for them to use it as a food seasoning.

Kitchen Witchery 
Rosemary has one of those distinctive, strong flavours that convinces the palate that herbs aren’t just delicate things reserved for dainty soups and sprinkling on baby vegetables. It takes hold of the taste buds with a woodsy flavour, somewhat piny, mint-like yet sweeter, with a slight ginger finish.
It can also be used as a subtle accent, using just a hint of the flavour lightening the mood of an otherwise mundane sauce or pastry. Its flavour harmonizes with those of poultry, fish, lamb, beef, veal, pork, and game, particularly in their roasted forms. Rosemary enhances tomatoes spinach, peas, mushrooms, squash, cheese, eggs, lentils, and complements the herbs chives, thyme, chervil, parsley, and bay in recipes.
Rosemary branches are wonderfully easy to work into wreathes when fresh and hold their fragrance and color well when dry.
Sprigs of Rosemary can be placed in your dresser drawers to protect your clothes from moths.

Rosemary in Magick
Rosemary means "dew of the sea". This powerful herb, ruled by the sun, is often used in love spells. It is used in rituals for healing power, protection and strength, and to maintain focus. It's believed that if you're struggling to concentrate, sniffing a sprig of fresh rosemary will give you clarity and focus. Rosemary should not be taken internally in large doses. 
Learning about herbs is beneficial for both cooking and medicine making. Those who are naturally drawn to herbal magic have an affinity with Nature. They innerstand the power of plants, herbs, and flowers, and their place in the world. You do not control nature; you learn to work with it. The power to take control of your health is available to you. You got this. ||| Aile Reve | Herbs Moon Celebration 

Le Grimoire des Herbes Magiques
The Epicentre, Encyclopedia of Spices
The Beginner's Guide to Wicca by Kisten Riddle

Working with Sage | Travailler avec la sauge #HerbsMoon #LuneDeGrain

La sauge, le bon génie, l'herbe des cuisinières, ou encore le thé sacré... le nom vient du latin salvarer, "sauver / guérir". La sauge est la plus grande plante médicinale (bronchite, asthme, maux de gorge, acné et gerçures, rhumatisme, douleurs articulaires, maux de dents et plaies de la bouche...) Pour purifier une habitation ou une personne brûlez de la Sauge sur un charbon ardent comme de l'encens. Ses fumigations sont aussi censées éclaircir l'esprit et améliorer la mémoire. 
Kitchen Witchery
The oils sage have antiseptic, astringent, and irritant properties. This makes sage useful in treating sore throats, mouth irritations, and possibly cuts and bruises. 
Sage is used to relieve excess mucous buildup. It is beneficial to the mind by easing mental exhaustion, soothing nerves, and by strengthening the concentrating abilities. In a lotion or salve, it is useful for treating sores and skin eruptions, excessive sweating, and for stopping bleeding in all cuts. Chewing the fresh leaves soothes mouth sores and sore throats, as will sage tea.
It is good for all stomach troubles, diarrhea, gas, flu and colds. As a hair rinse, it removes and treats dandruff. Sage combined with peppermint, rosemary, and wood betony provides an excellent headache remedy.
It is used to regulate the menstrual cycle, to decrease milk flow in lactating women, aids in treating hot flashes, and is used as a deodorant. The essential oil is used in aromatherapy to cleanse and purify the air. In a carrier oil, it makes an excellent deodorant.
Sage also contains terpene, camphor, and salvene. An essential oil is extracted from freshly harvested leaves by steam distillation and this is used in seasonings for pork sausages, processed foods, perfumes, confectionery, naouthwashes and gargles. Sage tea has antiseptic qualities and makes a good gargle for sore throats.

Sage may boost insulin action, and therefore, a daily cup of tea may be helpful for those with diabetes. Use one or two teaspoons of dried sage leaves to one cup of boiling water.

Sage in Magick
Ruled by the element air, sage is a great herb for healing and for cleansing the aura. Natives Americans traditionally use sage in smudge sticks, which they burn to cleanse themselves. 

Sage is used in magical workings for immortality, longevity, wisdom, protection and the granting of wishes.
To make a wish, write your wish on a sage leaf and sleep with it under your pillow for three days and then bury it.
Learning about herbs is beneficial for both cooking and medicine making. Those who are naturally drawn to herbal magic have an affinity with Nature. They innerstand the power of plants, herbs, and flowers, and their place in the world. You do not control nature; you learn to work with it. The power to take control of your health is available to you. You got this. ||| Aile Reve | Herbs Moon Celebration 

Le Grimoire des Herbes Magiques
The Epicentre, Encyclopedia of Spices
The Beginner's Guide to Wicca by Kisten Riddle

Working with Parsley | Travailler avec le persil #HerbsMoon #LuneDeGrain

Le persil est une plante potagère et un aliment alcalinisant, nutritif et tonifiant. Cette herbe aromatique est très riche en vitamine C, en carotène (Provitamine A), en oligoéléments, et en sels minéraux. Ses vertus sur la santé ne sont pas à prouver surtout s’il est ajouté cru à l’alimentation. Il aide à abaisser la tension artérielle élevée, il a une action anti-anémique, il ouvre l'appétit et favorise la digestion gastrique. En hygiène bucco-dentaire, mâcher un brin de persil fait disparaître la mauvaise haleine rapidement. Il provoque, facilite et régularise le flux menstruel et c'est aussi un stimulant utérin. Il possède aussi une importante action antiscorbutique. En outre, il stimule la fécondité et aide à lutter contre la dépendance à l'alcool et contre les tumeurs cérébrales Le Persil n'est pas un condiment ordinaire, c'est plutôt un aliment médicament qui doit, au même titre que l'ail et l'oignon. De Plus le persil est parfait pour stimuler le désir sexuel car il a une action directe sur la circulation de l'organisme. Il favorise également la production d'hormones et vous permet d'être plus résistant et plus vigoureux. 
Kitchen Witchery
Parsley Root has been used medicinally since ancient times for digestive disorders, bronchitis, and urinary tract problems. 
The volatile oil increases circulation to the digestive tract. Parsley juice has been used to treat toothache, and as a hair rinse or as a facial steam for dry skin. Other uses for Parsley Root have been to tone the urinary tract reducing the possibility of infections, alleviate painful menstruation, lowering blood pressure and improving asthma, allergies and bronchitis by drying excessive mucous.
Parsley is rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamins A and C, and compounds that clear toxins from the body. It also reduces inflammations, contains histamine inhibitors and is a free radical scavenger. Because of the high clorofil content, it acts as a great breath freshener. 

Parsley is believed to promote lust and spice up a flagging sex drive. Introduce it into your life by adding it to salads, stews, and soups. 

Parlsey in Magick
A good medicinal herb and easy to grow, parsley is most often used in protection spells. Parsley can be used in a ritual bath and in ritual incense associated with communication with spirits of the dead. Wearing or eating parsley is supposed to protect against drunkenness and increase strength, vitality and passion. Parsley is also supposed to protect food from contamination.

Learning about herbs is beneficial for both cooking and medicine making. Those who are naturally drawn to herbal magic have an affinity with Nature. They innerstand the power of plants, herbs, and flowers, and their place in the world. You do not control nature; you learn to work with it. The power to take control of your health is available to you. You got this. ||| Aile Reve | Herbs Moon Celebration 

Femme Zoom
The Epicentre, Encyclopedia of Spices
The Beginner's Guide to Wicca by Kisten Riddle

Working with Oregano | Travailler avec l'origan #HerbsMoon #LuneDeGrain

L'Origan, le sentibon des prés, l'herbe du tonnerre, la marjolaine bâtarde, cette plante liée à l'élément Air apporte l'harmonie et facilite la communication entre les gens, avec les esprits et avec la nature. L'Origan est particulièrement efficace pour rétablir la paix lors des conflits. L’origan facilite la digestion et aide lutter contre la constipation. Elle est également idéale en cas de toux, coqueluche, asthme et bronchite.  Les fines herbes ne sont habituellement pas consommées en grande quantité. Utilisées comme assaisonnements, elles ne peuvent alors pas procurer tous les bienfaits santé qui leur sont attribués. Privilégier l’origan frais est un bon moyen d’ajouter des antioxydants dans votre assiette! L’origan moulu est une excellente source de vitamine K pour la femme, mais seulement une bonne source pour l’homme. L’origan moulu est aussi une source de manganèse, de calcium, et de vitamine E. 

Kitchen Witchery 
Oregano has a warm, aromatic flavor and scent and is slightly bitter in taste. It is a member of the mint family with characteristic labiate flowers in pink or lavender. Linked to the element air, oregano is popularly used in cooking and can help to promote peace and harmony. Indispensable for Italian cuisine, oregano is a popular flavoring for tomato dishes, and other acidic vegetables. It's also great on various meats. It is a natural partner to basil and tomatoes. Add oregano near the end of cooking. If oregano is cooked too long, it turns bitter. 

You may have seen a bottle marked "oil of oregano" in a health food store. There are good reasons why! Oregano contains numerous phytonutrients that have also been shown to function as potent antioxidants that can prevent oxygen-based damage to cell structures throughout the body. Additionally, on a per gram fresh weight basis, oregano has demonstrated 42 times more antioxidant activity than apples, 30 times more than potatoes, 12 times more than oranges and 4 times more than blueberries. Oregano is a good source of fiber. Fiber works in the body to bind to bile salts and cancer-causing toxins in the colon and remove them from the body. This forces the body to break down cholesterol to make more bile salts. These are just some of the reasons that diets high in fiber have been shown to lower high cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of colon cancer. Oregano is an excellent source of vitamin K, a very good source of manganese, iron and calcium. 

Oregano in Magick: It is used in spells for happiness, tranquility, luck, health, protection and letting go of a loved one. It can also be used in spells to deepen existing love. Oregano symbolizes joy. Use it for rituals celebrating joyful occasions, or in spells to bring joy into one's life. It is also suitable decoration for a grave to ensure the deceased finds happiness in their next life. 

Oregano in Magick
It is used in spells for happiness, tranquility, luck, health, protection and letting go of a loved one. It can also be used in spells to deepen existing love.
When worn on the head during sleep, it is said to promote psychic dreams.
Oregano symbolizes joy. Use it for rituals celebrating joyful occasions, or in spells to bring joy into one's life. It is also suitable decoration for a grave to ensure the deceased finds happiness in their next life.
Learning about herbs is beneficial for both cooking and medicine making. Those who are naturally drawn to herbal magic have an affinity with Nature. They innerstand the power of plants, herbs, and flowers, and their place in the world. You do not control nature; you learn to work with it. The power to take control of your health is available to you. You got this. ||| Aile Reve | Herbs Moon Celebration 

Le Grimoire des Herbes Magiques
Passeport Santé
The Epicentre, Encyclopedia of Spices
The Beginner's Guide to Wicca by Kisten Riddle
The World's Healthiest Foods

Working with Mugwort | Travailler avec l'armoise #HerbsMoon #LuneDeGrain

L'Armoise, l'absinthe sauvage, l'herbe aux cent goûts, voire le sourcil de lune, une plante féminine aphrodisiaque en infusion, en décoction, avec ou sans miel, parfois poivrée ou mélangée avec de la cannelle. Toute la plante contient des substances digestives, vermifuges, emménagogues, anti-hystériques et sédatives. Portée sur soi, rien ne peut vous nuire. Le suc sert également à nettoyer les boules de cristal et les miroirs magiques. Le médium qui pose ses supports (cartes, tarot, marc de café, boule de cristal, etc.) sur une couche de feuilles d'Armoise accroît ses pouvoirs psychiques. Un oreiller bourré d'Armoise fraîche assure des rêves intuitifs ou prophétiques.
Kitchen Witchery
Mugwort has a bitter taste. Mugwort is a powerful herb part of the daisy family. It is a topical anesthetic with antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.
Fresh, crushed mugwort leaves applied to the skin relieves burning, itching and pain and, with continued application, can help get rid of warts.
It is said that chewing fresh mugwort leaves will help relieve fatigue and clear the mind. A decoction of the roots was used also for this purpose.
An infusion of fresh leaves can be used for chronic stomach complaints and to stimulate the appetite.
Mugwort has also been used in Europe to induce abortions. It helps strengthen contractions and it is used in a compress to promote labor and help expel the afterbirth. It is also used to help regulate the menstrual cycle and ease painful menstruation and the onset of menopause. Use in combination with ginger in a tea to soothe difficult menstruation.
On the other hand, mugwort has also been used in China to prevent miscarriage and ease excessive menstrual bleeding.
Mugwort has been used for centuries for disorders and epilepsy, as it has mild sedative and antispasmodic properties.
An infusion of the dried leaves and flowers helps expel pin worms.
Mix the dry herb with honey and apply to bruises to fade them.
An infusion of mugwort, or mugwort oil is a good all-purpose cleaner and insect repellent.

Mugwort in Magick
Mugwort can be used as a sacred smoking or smudging herb for protection or divination. It is safe to smoke (as safe as smoking anything is) by itself, mixed with tobacco, or other smokeables in a ritual context and is said to enhance astral projection, lucid dreaming and other altered states of consciousness. Some say that simply keeping mugwort under your pillow or in your bedroom will encourage prophetic dreams. Try making a dream pillow stuffed with mugwort. If you do keep it in your bedroom, remember that it is closely related to ragweed and the flowers may trigger some allergies.
Others say you must burn it or smoke it in order to utilize its conscious-altering affects. Burn mugwort in an incense burner as you use divination tools to help open your mind to any messages coming in; or consider using it to make a smudge stick.
Some witches use mugwort stems as wands. Linked to the moon, mugwort will increase psychic powers and and is also a great herb to carry for protection. 

Decoction is a method of extraction of herbal constituents from stems, roots, barks and rhizomes through boiling. The hard plant parts are covered with water, brought to a boil for about 10 minutes and then cooled and strained. Similar to, but not to be confused with infusion or tisane.
Learning about herbs is beneficial for both cooking and medicine making. Those who are naturally drawn to herbal magic have an affinity with Nature. They innerstand the power of plants, herbs, and flowers, and their place in the world. You do not control nature; you learn to work with it. The power to take control of your health is available to you. You got this. ||| Aile Reve | Herbs Moon Celebration 

Le Grimoire des Herbes Magiques
The Epicentre, Encyclopedia of Spices
The Beginner's Guide to Wicca by Kisten Riddle

Working with Mint | Travailler avec la menthe #HerbsMoon #LuneDeGrain

La menthe est une herbe de l'Air extrêmement purifiante, et attire les bonnes influences. Elle est aussi efficace pour l'exorcisme et la défense, mais s'avère toxique lorsque trop concentrée. La menthe poivrée occupe une place privilégiée dans la phytothérapie digestive grâce à l'huile essentielle que renferment ses feuilles et qui lui confère un très grand pouvoir calmant des spasmes intestinaux. L'action antiseptique de l'huile essentielle limite les fermentations intestinales et soigne les ballonnements. La menthe, associée au fenouil, est particulièrement efficace pour soigner les troubles de la digestions tels que nausées, ballonnement, pesanteur après le repas, aérophagie, et douleur épigastrique. 

Kitchen Witchery 
It is carminative, stimulative, stomachic, diaphoretic and antispasmodic. Peppermint has the highest concentrations of menthol, while preparations of spearmint are often given to children. It is a general pick-me-up, good for colds, flu and fevers. Herbalists tell us it helps digestion, rheumatism, hiccups, stings, ear aches, flatulence and for throat and sinus ailments. There are also claims that a glass of creme de menthe helps with motion sickness.

Medicinally, mint leaves can be rubbed against the forehead to relieve a headache. 

Mint in Magick
A sacred herb to druid, mint is ruled by Venus, and used in spell for love and healing. Its bright green color and fresh scent also mean that it's used in spells to attract money. Keep fresh mint in your home to attract friendly spirits. 

Learning about herbs is beneficial for both cooking and medicine making. Those who are naturally drawn to herbal magic have an affinity with Nature. They innerstand the power of plants, herbs, and flowers, and their place in the world. You do not control nature; you learn to work with it. The power to take control of your health is available to you. You got this. ||| Aile Reve | Herbs Moon Celebration 

Grimoire de Serene
Le Grimoire des Herbes Magiques
The Epicentre, Encyclopedia of Spices
The Beginner's Guide to Wicca by Kisten Riddle

Working with Marjoram | Travailler avec la marjolaine #HerbsMoon #LuneDeGrain

Outre ses qualités aromatiques très appréciées en cuisine, la marjolaine dispense différents bienfaits médicinaux. Elle est recommandée notamment contre les spasmes intestinaux, les flatulences et les nausées. Elle a aussi des propriétés antidiarrhéiques. Cette plante permettrait encore de stimuler l’appétit, la production de suc gastrique voire de calmer les accès de toux. L’huile essentielle de marjolaine est indiquée dans le traitement des douleurs articulaires ou en bains de bouche, contre les aphtes. La marjolaine est tonique, diurétique, et provoque une sueur salutaire lorsque l’organisme est encombré de toxines. Elle nettoie les voies respiratoires bouchées par toutes sortes de mucosités: prise en fumigations, ou en inhalations sous un linge, elle constitue le meilleur remède contre les rhumes, les refroidissements, les angines, les bronchites et l’asthme. En usage externe, elle se révèle efficaces contre les maladies de la bouche: aphtes, infections de la langue et les autres bobos similaires et qui peuvent être traités par des gargarismes à base de marjolaine. Elle est également souveraine contre les embarras et les affections du nez; un bon tampon imbibé d’infusion de marjolaine guérit le rhume des foins. Enfin elle agit contre la migraine (suc frais aspiré par le nez), contre les enflures de toutes sortes (dues par exemple à des foulures, des luxations, des entorses: à appliquer en lotions), et elle sert à préparer d’excellents dentifrices.

Kitchen Witchery 
Marjoram contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and niacin. Marjoram was extensively used to treat dropsy, convulsions, and poisons. Traditionally, it was used in tea to cure headaches, head colds, calm nervous disorders, and to clear sinuses. Marjoram has also been used to comfort stomachaches and muscular pains and improve circulation. It is found to have good antioxidant properties with fats and helps to retain color of carotenoid pigments.

Marjoram in Magick
Ruled by the element air, marjoram has been used for centuries to promote love and peace. carrying marjoram is thought to prevent sickness and depression. 

Learning about herbs is beneficial for both cooking and medicine making. Those who are naturally drawn to herbal magic have an affinity with Nature. They innerstand the power of plants, herbs, and flowers, and their place in the world. You do not control nature; you learn to work with it. The power to take control of your health is available to you. You got this. ||| Aile Reve | Herbs Moon Celebration 

The Epicentre, Encyclopedia of Spices
The Beginner's Guide to Wicca by Kisten Riddle
Vert Santé, La Santé par les Plantes

Working with Lavender, Travailler avec la lavande

La lavande parfume mais aussi désinfecte, cicatrise, calme, stimule, tonifie, et régularise. L'huile essentielle tirée de la lavande  est un puissant antiseptique. Tonique réputé, la lavande est aussi appréciée comme antidiabétique dans certaines régions d'Espagne. En outre, au début de XXe siècle, un parfumeur-chimiste qui s'était brûlé les mains a pu empêcher la gangrène de s'installer en les rinçant à l'essence de lavande. Dans les hôpitaux français, on utilisa pendant plusieurs décennies des huiles essentielles, dont celle de la lavande, pour désinfecter l'air et enrayer ainsi les infections microbiennes et fongiques. La lavande est une herbe de l'Air très parfumée, elle recèle une grande pureté. Son énergie est douce, non surchargeante et facile à employer. Elle attire la lumière et les bonnes influences.

Kitchen Witchery
Lavender is one of the most versatile herbs. Its various health benefits range from pain relief and mental clarity to use as an anti-bacterial cleanser and a natural deodorant. Lavender can be applied as an essential oil, dried herb, distilled in water, and as (edible) therapeutic-grade oil. Lavender also promotes menstruation and blood flow to the pelvic area. The health benefits of lavender essential oil include its ability to remove nervous tension, relieve pain, disinfect scalp and skin, enhance blood circulation, and to treat respiratory problems. An all-round miracle-worker, lavender has long been used to promote sleep and cure headaches, and as a tonic for colds and flu. A sedative tea can be made with newly opened flower buds that will help with any headaches and faintness. Lavender smelling salts were used to revive people who have fainted. It is also used as a cure for hoarseness and soothing sore joints. A soothing lavender salve is used for inflammations, cuts and burns. A few drops of oil in bathwater to destress or the burning of the essential oil will relax and induce feelings of well being.

Lavender in Magick
Lavender is masculine in action. Ruled by the element air, lavender can be used in spells for love, peace, purification, and happiness. It is also useful in spells to sharpen the mind, to encourage or strengthen pure love, and to encourage fertility. Stuffing a pillow with lavender buds may help insomniac relax and fall asleep and soothes headaches. 
Learning about herbs is beneficial for both cooking and medicine making. Those who are naturally drawn to herbal magic have an affinity with Nature. They innerstand the power of plants, herbs, and flowers, and their place in the world. You do not control nature; you learn to work with it. The power to take control of your health is available to you. You got this. ||| Aile Reve | Herbs Moon Celebration 

Grimoire de Serene
Le Grimoire des Herbes Magiques
Passeport Santé
The Epicentre, Encyclopedia of Spices
The Beginner's Guide to Wicca by Kisten Riddle

Working with Fennel | Travailler avec le fenouil #HerbsMoon #LuneDeGrain

La fenouil est une plante médicinale de la plus haute Antiquité. Son huile essentielle était alors utilisée contre les parasites du corps. Toute la plante possède une agréable odeur anisée.  C'est le fruit qui est utilisé pour ses propriétés sur l'appareil digestif. Riche en huile essentielle, le fenouil est antispasmodique et spasmolytique; il soigne les spasmes et les douleurs de l'estomac (gastrite) et du côlon (colite). Le fenouil permet d'éviter les fermentations intestinales; il combat la formation des gaz intestinaux et est indiqué dans l'aérophagie. C'est aussi un stimulant de la digestion. L'association menthe-fenouil-millefeuille s'avère très efficace dans le traitement des troubles de la digestion (ballonnements, lourdeurs après le repas, douleurs et nausées dues à une mauvaise digestion). Le fenouil favorise également la montée de lait chez les femmes éprouvant certaines difficultés.  En magie, c'est une herbe forte unissant l'Air et le Feu, conférant clarté, vivacité, force, courage et virilité. Cette herbe est très utile pour tout ce qui requiert une action directe et énergique. Son énergie est polyvalente et intense, capable de diriger les énergies des autres herbes et de renforcer leur action. 

Kitchen Witchery 
Fennel yields both a herb and a spice. All plant parts are edible: roots, stalks and leaves, with the spice coming from the dried seeds. Seeds can be used whole or ground in a spice mill or mortar and pestle. Store away from light in airtight containers. In the first century, Pliny the Elder (a Roman writer, naturalist, and natural philosopher) noted that after snakes had shed their skins, they ate fennel to restore their sight. It has since been used as a wash for eyestrain and irritations. Chinese and Hindus used it as a snake bite remedy. It is carminative, a weak diuretic and mild stimulant. The oil is added to purgative medication to prevent intestinal colic.

Fennel was once used to stimulate lactation. It should not be used in high dosages as it causes muscular spasms and hallucinations. The major constituents of fennel, which include the terpenoid anethole, are found in the volatile oil. Anethole and other terpenoids inhibit spasms in smooth muscles, such as those in the intestinal tract, and this is thought to contribute to fennel’s use as a carminative (gas-relieving and gastrointestinal tract cramp-relieving agent).
The seeds are used as a flavoring agent in many herbal medicines, and to help disperse flatulence. The seeds, and roots, also help to open obstructions of the liver, spleen & gall bladder, and to ease painful swellings, in addition to helping with yellow jaundice, the gout and occasional cramps.

Fennel in Magick
Besides being popular in cooking, fennel has many uses in folklore and magick. Fennel seed is a very useful magickal herb that can be ingested, used in sachets, in incense, and around the house. When ingested, or used in tea for example, this herb can help to improve the memory. If you chew on the seeds, it freshens your breath. Put Fennel in sachets for longevity, fertility, love, healing, strength, and to prevent negativity. When this herb is used for incense, its energies of purification, healing, longevity, vitality, strength, courage, and protection are released. It can also be used to prevent curses, possession, and negativity. 

Learning about herbs is beneficial for both cooking and medicine making. Those who are naturally drawn to herbal magic have an affinity with Nature. They innerstand the power of plants, herbs, and flowers, and their place in the world. You do not control nature; you learn to work with it. The power to take control of your health is available to you. You got this. ||| Aile Reve | Herbs Moon Celebration 

Grimoire de Serene
Herbal Riot
Le Grimoire des Herbes Magiques
The Epicentre, Encyclopedia of Spices

Working with Dill | Travailler avec l'aneth #HerbsMoon #LuneDeGrain

L'aneth est une plante à odeur d'anis utilisée par les égyptiens il y plus de 5000 ans, en tant que plante médicinale et utilisée par les grecs et les romains pour son parfum, pour la cuisine, et pour ses vertus médicinales. Les feuilles et graines d'Aneth sont comestibles. Riche en potassium, en sodium et en soufre, l’aneth est diurétique et excellent pour la digestion. Ses propriétés chimiques stimulent la sécrétion biliaire, facilitant ainsi la digestion des matières grasses. De plus, il soulage l’insomnie, les troubles digestifs, l’anxiété, la fatigue nerveuse et diminue la mauvaise haleine. Il serait un bon remède contre le hoquet selon les traités d’herboristerie. En magie, l'Aneth est l'une des plus paisibles herbes liées au Feu. L'Aneth attire force, amour confiance et volonté. Très approprié pour les bénédictions et les enchantements.

Kitchen Witchery 
Dill has been used for its culinary and medicinal properties for millennia and was mentioned in anciant Egyptian writings. The total volatile oil portion of dill has also been studied for its ability to prevent bacterial overgrowth. In this respect, dill shares the stage with garlic, which has also been shown to have bacteria-regulating effects.  Both seeds and leaves are edible. Dill relieves flatulence, promote the appetite, assist digestion and is slightly stimulant. Dill water is given to children for digestive problems. Dill water is great for hiccups. Other uses for dill include treatment of fever and colds, cough, bronchitis, hemorrhoids, infections, spasms, nerve pain, genital ulcers, menstrual cramps, and sleep disorders. Drinking dill tea is recommended to overcome insomnia. Dill seed can also be applied to the mouth and throat for pain and swelling (inflammation). 

Dill in Magick
Ruled by the planet Mercury, dill is thought to promote clear and quick thinking, attract love, and ward off evil. Dill is also useful in love charms; Take a dill bath to make yourself irresistible and/or place the seeds in a muslin bag under your shower water, or bath water to make you irresistible to your lover. 

Learning about herbs is beneficial for both cooking and medicine making. Those who are naturally drawn to herbal magic have an affinity with Nature. They innerstand the power of plants, herbs, and flowers, and their place in the world. You do not control nature; you learn to work with it. The power to take control of your health is available to you. You got this. ||| Aile Reve | Herbs Moon Celebration 

Grimoire de Serene
Passeport Santé
The Epicentre, Encyclopedia of Spices
The Beginner's Guide to Wicca by Kisten Riddle