Monday 7 March 2016

Mermaid of the Month: Sylkie Sly, Make-Up Artist Visionnaire | Aile Reve Interview

For me, the purpose of life is to live unconditionally in harmony with others without judgment; working together as a collective and shy away from individualism!  It is a very idealistic way of looking at things, but if we become motivated to make small changes around us and focus on real priorities,  it can have a major impact.

Sylkie Sly, Montreal, Canada
© Radu Juster Photography

Like everything else in the world, the intentions behind the energy you put into your craft makes the whole difference. With Sylkie Sly, make-up is meant to magnify the beauty that already exists. Make-up is an art of precision that can actually transform the mind, body, and soul. Yes, darling, it changes, and in the vibrant and scintillating waves of change, Sylkie Sly found her true direction. 

Whether it is for a fashion show or a special event, Sylkie Sly is one of those rare precious queens who can uplift and empower with the tip of her brush. She gives life to her vision and if you have a concept in mind, she will give it colourful wings.  A wand with soft hair chose her and she wears her passion with grace, love, and confidence. What you see is what you get; a fearless woman of substance. Her make-up does not hide her lovely humour, intelligence and strength. Nice to meet you darling! 

• T H E   I N T E R V I E W • 

Two quotes every visionary should live by? 

"What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. 
What you imagine you, you create."  

Compliment people: Magnify their strengths, not their weaknesses. 

You never leave home without....
My cell phone is my personal agenda and connection with the world!  Losing it equals to drug removal therapy (how do you call that I forgot the actual name for that) for me ;)

Tell us two things that make you smile.
My daughter's silly jokes are so innocent;  sometimes they catch me off guard!  Her innocence makes me smile, her amazement at little things I usually take for granted...

How would you describe your fashion style? 
I have a very eclectic style;  I love to be daring and different!  Funky ethnic prints, bright accent colours, comforting earth tones...  I prefer unique classic pieces that I can mix and match.

If you had to wear one nail colour, which one would it be? 
Is that even possible?  I guess it would be a gold-lime type of color!

One pleasant thing we would be surprised to know about you?
I have played classical piano for many years during my youth and was fortunate to showcase my talents at many recitals.  I really appreciate the effect classical music has on my soul

According to you, what is the purpose of life? 
For me, it is to live unconditionally in harmony with others without judgment; working together as a collective and shy away from individualism!  It is a very idealistic way of looking at things, but if we become motivated to make small changes around us and focus on real priorities,  it can have a major impact.

Connect with Sylkie Sly via @SylkieSly & website

Photo, Courtesy of Sylkie Sly


Naná Moon Oyå

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