"Actually one of my dreams in life was to live by the sea, I’ve lived most of my life in cities and now I live less than 5 minutes away from the beach (a wonderful little coastal town in the U.K.) It’s bliss! An ongoing dream of mine has been to run an afro artisan beauty business this is currently being nurtured and is slowly coming to life."
• T H E I N T E R V I E W •
Health and Lifestyle Edition
If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play you and why?
In my head it would be Solange mostly for the awesome outfits and big fro! But also I’m really enjoy all the visual colour play she puts out.
Tell us two things that make you smile.
My beautiful 1 year old boy, his sparky energy and soulful eyes, and my husband and partner who is so loving and supportive.
What do you love about yourself?
I love that I am myself. Feet on the ground with my head in the clouds and I’ve always been this way, I accept that this is me. I’m driven a lot by my emotions and intuition and these functions I trust implicitly.
What is your to-go herb?
Thyme, it’s used a lot in West-African dishes and it helps to clear respiratory problems.
What is the first thing you grab when you have a cold?
Fresh lemons, honey, ginger and garlic they bring instant comfort. A classic rememdy that works!
What have you been reading lately?
I’ve been reading a lot of articles about starting your own business, branding, economics that sort of thing, it’s really helped me to determine what I don’t want and navigate my way towards creating a sustainable business that reflects my values. I’m also halfway through Girl Boss hoping for insights and inspiration on running an unconventional business.
Name two people who influenced your journey thus far
My mother is one! She has shown me that you can create something out of nothing, so long as you have the will. She has also shown me how to let things go in order to make space for new things to come. And my partner who has taught me to be slower and more thorough, rather than hurried and careless.
What are the three destinations of your dreams?
- New Zealand
- Iceland
- Ghana
How would you describe your fashion style?
Eclectic vintage or simple jeans rolled up and sweaters, I collect coats, I’m a coat hoarder, vintage is my weakness here.
What are your two favorite quotes of the moment?
"The world is full of magic things patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper."
- W.B Yeats
"I am living breathing freedom."
- Hiroko Sakai
Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you.
I draw and I’m not bad at it.
For you, Art is...
What are you thankful for?
For everything! I’m grateful for my life and all the love in my life, my family, my friendships, my home. My life is far from perfection but I value what I have and realize that I am very fortunate.
Connect with here: @afrohairandskinco
Photos, courtesy of Ibi Meier-Oruitemeka
The Nice to Meet You Interview is Aile Rėve's signature. It is our way to soulfully connect with the artist and visionary. The NTMY allows us to take off for a voyage into the furthest reaches of their mind, with love, humility, and poetry.
Anaëlle Naná Moon Oyå
Mermaid-in-Chief @AileReve
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