Saturday, 2 January 2016

37 Great Answers to Our Toughest Interview Questions

We asked worldwide artists and visionaries: 
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Nous avons contacté des artistes et visionnaires de partout à travers le monde et leur avons demandé: D'après toi, quel est le but de la vie? Voici ce qu'ils ont répondu.


| 1 |

Life is aligned with growth, and with growth comes rediscovery. The cycle of life exists so that we may learn. Humans are ever changing beings; so the life is a canvas for the art of living, and dreaming.
Noxolo Ntintili, South Africa

| 2 |

"Birth" is what my 6 year old son just answered when I asked him this question... and I couldn't agree more. If it's birth to a child, art, or anything! I feel like the purpose of life is to "birth" something beautiful enough that when you're gone, it can still give birth to something beautiful for centuries to come.  
Leyda Figueroa, San Diego

| 3 |

J.u.D., Montreal & Laval

| 4 |

To learn to love deeply (everyone and everything) and that will eventually make you grow spiritually.
Valerie Munoz, Japan & Montreal

| 5 |

That's a tough one. All I know is that living in negativity, stress and misery is definitely not the way life should be lived. I feel the purpose of life should be to grow and share your knowledge & experiences with one another, helping build each other up while spreading positivity, peace and love. All in all, everyone's purpose is different but they all trickle down to a similar positive result.
KEISH, Toronto

| 6 |

We born, we grow up, we share, make people happy, love and we make a change in the world, as small as it can be. Then we go in peace.
Stevo Trann, Montreal

| 7 |

Cela dépend de chacun je pense mais Rome est toujours synonyme de bonheur. On emprunte juste des chemins différents. Le bonheur c'est l'idée qu'on s'en fait: richesse, amour, ambition ? Notre bonheur est fonction de l'obtention de ces choses. Moi c'est la construction de quelque chose de plus grand que moi qui me survivra le but de ma vie. Kévin AMG, Coaton Club

| 8 |

The purpose of life is to be happy as much as possible and to be good to everyone in your life - doesn't matter if it's your friend or enemy. The purpose would be also to feel the joy of every little thing that happens in your life, to be proud of yourself no matter what you have achieved during this short stay on the Earth. 
Magda Lewicka, Poland

| 9 |
Now, the purpose of life. See, I think that we are all mere consequences of our actions, and that no God up there will tell anyone what to do. The purpose of life is to feed our mind, body and soul to be happy; aren't we all on the pursuit of happiness?
Lina Dono, Montreal

| 10 |

Se sentir accomplit chaque matin et chaque soir. Se donner le droit à l’erreur et apprendre de celle-ci. Vivre selon ses aspirations et non comme la société voudrait que l’on se conforme. Surtout pouvoir partager ceci avec les gens que l’on aime. 
Daphnée Férole, Montreal

| 11 |
To try your best to do what you had to do in a previous life. As long as you haven't accomplished that I believe you will always be back on this earth and your energy will never be able to be released in the universe for your spirit to remain in peace. Y.A.L.A.

Iris Linares, Montreal

| 12 |

Le but de la vie est de tout d’abord de VIVRE. Et vivre, c’est Être. C’est important de se le rappeler car souvent on le prend pour acquis et on l’oublie dans le traintrain quotidien de ce qu’on prend pour la vie. Je crois que chacun de nous est née porteur d’une mission que l’on a à accomplir lors de ce voyage sois à travers un talent, une capacité, une qualité, quelque chose qui nous caractérise et qu’on peut, par notre simple façon d’être ou par nos réalisations laisser en héritage à l’humanité.
Ma'liCiouZ, Montreal

| 13 |

I think life is for discovering yourself, finding out what you can do and what makes you happy and experiencing as much of the world as possible.
Afua Aidoo

| 14 |

Je me pose cette question chaque matin. Je pense que chacun doit avoir sa vérité. En fait, c’est peut-être ça le but de la vie, trouver sa propre vérité. Être soit-même, réaliser ce pourquoi on est fait, trouver sa raison d’être profonde… Je ne suis pas certaine de ce qu’est le but de la vie, mais je suis sûre que ce qu’on fait dans nos vies modernes actuelles, ça ne l’est pas. 
Jessica Valoise, Montreal

| 15 |

I believe we are here for a reason. So the purpose of life is to make our mark in some way. 
Adriele Conceição, Brazil

| 16 |

For me, it is to live unconditionally in harmony with others without judgment; working together as a collective and shy away from individualism!  It is a very idealistic way of looking at things, but if we become motivated to make small changes around us and focus on real priorities,  it can have a major impact.
Sylkie Sly, Montreal

| 17 |

Avoir l’impression d’accomplir quelque chose de différent, quelque chose de propre a soi. Laisser une trace, pas forcement vis-à-vis des autres, mais vis-à-vis de nous même. Je pense que vivre c’est avant tout apprendre sans cesse, que ce soit à travers des cours de perfectionnement ou dans notre routine de tous les jours. En d’autres mots je pense que pour avoir une vie saine il faut se sentir utile. Et pour cela l’apprentissage, la curiosité et le partage sont nécessaires.

Chadiaben, Montreal

| 18 |

I definitely believe in love. I definitely believe that God is love. I feel like love is the base of everything. When we think about it, it all crumbles down to that one thing, and when it is the cause of any situation, everything aligns perfectly.
Venessa Appiah, Montreal

| 19 |

The easiest thing to say would be the purpose of life is to find your purpose, but it’s much deeper than that, but at the same time it is just that. I think the way life works, it leaves you little clues to who you’re ultimately meant to be, no matter how you try and deviate from it or how little or much you pay attention to the little things. Live your life in such a manner, that by the end of it you can earnestly and whole-heartedly say that everything you did, everyone you met, everywhere you went mattered, and all came down to this moment. Whatever moment that may be; live in a way that that sentiment is always relevant.
Mags (Strange Froots), Montreal

| 20 |

I believe we are all born to make a difference in this world in our own special way. Find your passion and put it to work!
Nalie Agustin, Montreal

| 21 |
The purpose of life is to create your OWN purpose. Create a new one everyday if you choose as long as it is centred in love.
I'Asha Jackson, Pittsburgh & Washington, DC

| 22 |
Find you Self, your lost paradise. Every human being was bathing in their own paradise in their mother's womb. At birth, they were snatched away from that paradise. According to author James Hollis, from the moment of that birth trauma, we all start seeking for that lost paradise. That seems about right to me. Life is finding Self. Yourself and your lost paradise.
Welly Min, Montreal

| 23 |
My mother used to tell me that I could do everything I wanted in my life and that I had a huge potential. I agree with her and I think that everybody has a huge potential. We have to discover this strength and make sure that the world will also see our potential in the things that we do. We have to give the best we can. It's about projects, relationships... At the end of my life, I want to tell to myself "Good Job girl! You did everything you loved and you gave it all you've got. No regrets." Happiness comes with it.  It's my purpose of life. (Smile)
Marie Kouassi, Paris

| 24 |
I don’t really think I have a purpose to be honest; I try not to put all that pressure on myself. Subconsciously (or not) I do it, but I’d rather focus on building myself as I go. The script isn’t already written, I’m writing it and hoping something nice comes out of it. Making sure my music reaches you is one of these I guess, but not limited to.
Tshizimba, Montreal

| 25 |
I wish I knew :)
Aïcha Sako, Montreal

| 26 |

There is no purpose of life. Life itself is purposeless, but each and every soul that exists in this plane of consciousness has purpose and meaning, and we bring that to life. We waste our time asking this question not realizing that WE are the answer.
Maurice Moore, Ottawa

| 27 |
There's much more meaning in life once you know your purpose. According to me, the purpose of life is to be near those I love, to good memories, to provide a legacy, to be seen and be heard, to make sense out of something, to create your own happiness.
Kelly Krow, Montreal

| 28 |
The purpose of life is to get to know yourself better, so that you can find what makes you happy and be fearless enough to claim it!!!

Magali Fergie, Montreal

| 29 |
Well... According to me, life is a cycle and  the main purpose of life is for us to give continuity to what God has created!
Ludmila Ondjila, Lisbon

| 30 |
Here’s a quote for you. ‘Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.’ – George Bernard Shaw. It resonates strongly with me because I realize that the person I want to be, the goals I want to pursue and how I choose to go about them is all up to me. In that sense, I’m master and commander of my life. It’s a liberating, yet scary thought.
Marie-Jude Salomon, Montreal

| 31 |
To stay curious, always.
Isabelle Young, Montreal

| 32 |
Finding peace.
Naadei Liones, Montreal

| 33 |

According to me, the purpose is to know your purpose. According to my faith, my purpose is to share God's love to the world. And thus, I have found my purpose! (smile)
Sherley Gene (G.NAX), Montreal

| 34 |
The purpose of life is to find the purpose in life.
Jasmine Sofia, Montreal

| 35 |
Live and let live.
Niti Marcelle Mueth, Montreal

| 36 |
To be happy.
Widline Desir, Montreal

| 37 |

The purpose of life is simply to LIVE. But I mean, to really live. The big question that comes to mind is “Are you living, or just existing?” There are so many people out there that are just existing. Wake up, get dressed, go to work, go home, eat dinner, TV, sleep, repeat. Not that there’s anything terrible about that. Some folks are very happy with it, and that’s fine. But I know for a fact, many people who get stuck in that cycle are ones that have aspirations to do bigger things, but are too afraid to do them. They may be afraid because of failure, because of what other people might think or say, because of fear in general, etc. The purpose of life is to overcome those fears and execute your ideas. The purpose of life is to look back someday and know that you did everything you set out to do with zero regrets. You didn’t hold back. You didn’t miss out on opportunities because you were worried about what others would say if you failed. You were a leader, and not a follower. You were inspirational, and not aspirational. The first means you did it, the latter means you thought about it, but never did it.
Gaetano, New York


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