Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Nice to Meet You Aïcha Sako | Harvest Moon Celebration, Interview Series by Naná Moon Oyå

I often ask people, "if you could be any animal, which one would you be?" Many people want to be a lion, because he's the king of the jungle. But they don't realize that its royal mane is hot and heavy, and as a result he can't move too much. He can't do much. Now if you tell me you'd like to be lioness, that's a different story, but the lion is actually a "lazy" animal. I don't want to be a lion.  I'd rather be a whale, or a bumble bee. A whale comes to the surface of the water so she can breathe, just like you and me. You don't see her have sex, you don't know what she's doing but she is there, living her life, minding her own business. But I also love the bumble bee because according to the laws of aerodynamics, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly. But it doesn't know anything about the laws of aerodynamics. It doesn't know that it can't fly, so the bumble bee goes on flying anyway. 
Aïcha Sako
Montreal, Canada

Aïcha Sako is a fun and fearless Passion Party Consultant on a suave and important mission to educate, enhance relationships and help save marriages. Getting to know her can also lead to getting to know yourself better, may it be through a one-on-one private consultation, couple session,  or through an unforgettable Passion Party girls night-in. We live in a society where feelings are not valued but visionaries like Aïcha are here to remind us that we have the right to feel, and the right to want. It's really nice to meet you darling! 

The I n t e r v i e w

What is your dream in life?
I dont just have 'one' dream. They evolve with each goal I achieve and as my life evolves. My dream right now, this moment, is to win the lottery. Another dream to stop being prudent and live passionately: to be consumed by passion ( this mind you is also a nightmare);
A recurrent visual dream, is to have the opportunity to participate in a televised debate, where I am eloquent, convicing, poised and stunning.

If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play you, and why? 
Hhmmm, I don't watch enough television to name a chocolate actress that could portray me.
What I want to know is who is writing the screenplay? What is their perspective? Who is producing this movie? And what for?

What have you been reading lately?

Product Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), Children books and love stories

What are you thankful for? 
I am thankful that I am safe.
I have love in my life. 
That I have an occupation that gives me purpose and feeds me. 
That I can laugh.

What are the three destinations of your dream? (cities or countries) 
·  Maldives
·  New Zealand
·  Greece

Tell us two things that make you smile.
 A well thought out desert menu and being complimented.

Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you.

I am scarred to death of Orcas and big whales but at the same time I am fascinated by them.

Can you give us three reasons why a woman should attend a Passion Party at least once in her life?
·  You will have fun! 
·  You will learn something new that will enhance your romantic and intimate experiences;
·  You have absolutly nothing to loose

For you, a confident girl boss is...
·  surrounding herself with mentors;
·  always looking for tools to enhance her business;
·  understanding that failure is a necessary step to success;
·  not making excuses for wanting it;
·  not waiting for someone else to acknowledge her;
·  willing to learn and do better;
·  humble;
·  consistent and disciplined;
·  treating herself along the way;

According to you, what is the purpose of life?
I wish I knew :)

Follow Aïcha Sako on FACEBOOK

The Nice to Meet You Interview is Aile Rėve's signature. It is a way to soulfully connect with the artist and visionary. The N.T.M.Y allows us to take off for a voyage into the furthest reaches of their mind, with love, confidence, humility, and poetry. 

Naná Moon Oyá

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