Friday, 28 August 2015

Working with Coriander | Travailler avec la coriandre #HerbsMoon #LuneDeGrain

Coriander (also known as cilantro) has eleven components of essential oils, six types of acids (including ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin-C), minerals and vitamins, each having a number of beneficial properties.The health benefits of coriander include its use in the treatment of skin inflammation , high cholesterol levels, diarrhea, mouth ulcers, anemia, indigestion, menstrual disorders, smallpox, conjunctivitis, skin disorders, and blood sugar disorders, while also benefiting eye care. The disinfectant, detoxifying, antiseptic, antifungal and antioxidant properties of coriander are ideal for clearing up skin disorders such as eczema, dryness and fungal infections. 

Coriander is also increasingly popular as a means of preventing nausea, vomiting, and other stomach disorders. Its wealth of bioactive compounds means that new health benefits are always being discovered in this power-packed plant. In addition to these health aspects of the stomach, fresh coriander leaves are excellent appetizers to get your bowels prepared for a large meal. Consuming coriander has been shown to positively reduce blood pressure in many patients suffering from hypertension. As a rich source of calcium, coriander is of great value for people who want to protect the integrity of their bones. Coriander, due to the rich aroma from its essential oils, helps in the proper secretion of enzymes and digestive juices in the stomach, thereby stimulating digestion and peristaltic motion. It is also helpful in treating eating disorders like anorexia. 

En consommant la coriandre quotidiennement, l’on obtient, une amélioration marquée des symptômes abdominaux attribuables au syndrome du côlon irritable. Il semble qu’elle soit en mesure de retarder le passage des aliments de l’estomac à l’intestin. Au niveau des troubles digestifs, la coriandre est considérée comme une épice sûre et efficace dans le traitement de la perte d’appétit, de ballonnements, d’indigestion, des flatulences et des maux d’estomac et crampes. L’huile de coriandre aide dans les cas d’eczéma, de psoriasis et de rosacée également.La coriandre est capable de mobiliser le mercure, le cadmium, le plomb et l’aluminium tant dans les os qu’au niveau du système nerveux central. Les puissants antioxydants de la coriandre protègent le foie et stimulent sa capacité naturelle de se régénérer : bonne nouvelle pour les malades atteint d’alcoolisme et d’hépatite C.

Learning about herbs is beneficial for both cooking and medicine making. Those who are naturally drawn to herbal magic have an affinity with Nature. They innerstand the power of plants, herbs, and flowers, and their place in the world. You do not control nature; you learn to work with it. The power to take control of your health is available to you. You got this. ||| Aile Reve | Herbs Moon Celebration 

Mr Plantes et les plantes médicinales
Organic Facts

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