Friday, 28 August 2015

Nice to Meet You Nalie Agustin | Herbs Moon Celebration Interview Series by Naná Moon Oyå

Photos: Courtesy of Nalie Agustin
Nalie Agustin is a Montreal-based warrior mermaid who swam out of breast cancer in her early twenties. Her blog is an extension of her bright, sweet, and candid personality. She is a fearless girl boss who has left an indelible impression on me. I just love how she has met her challenges and came through with flying colours. She is the living proof that there is always hope and faith in yourself will always pay off. Always F.L.Y. darling. Always First Love Yourself. Here's to our last interview as part of our Dare to D.R.E.A.M, Herbs Moon series. 

The Interview

What is your favorite juice recipe?
I love my ABCs. Apple, Beets and Carrots with a little bit of ginger is my miracle drink.

What herbs do you regularly use in your cooking? 
I love to play around with herbs, but my all time obsession is coriander
For you, a girl boss is... 
A woman who knows her worth and has full control of her life, emotionally, financially and spirituality.

Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you.
"I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 24 years old!” Gets people every time!

What are your two favourite quotes of the moment?
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” - Charles R Swindoll
“Find your silver lining and paint it gold.” - Nalie

Tell us two things that make you smile.
Two things? That’s not enough! But 2 things that instantly make me smile are puppies and anything purple!

What are you thankful for?
My supportive family, boyfriend and friends.

What are the three destinations of your dream? 
My dream destination was Thailand! But I knocked that off my bucket list last December. I’d have to say Italy, Brazil and Hawaii are my next destinations. But my dream is to visit every country in the world.

How would you describe your fashion style?
I like to switch it up! As long as it makes me feel 3 ways; comfortable, classy and sexy!

According to you, what is the purpose of life?
I believe we are all born to make a difference in this world in our own special way. Find your passion and put it to work!


On the first of each month, Aile Rėve is joining Nalie's movement: #feelitonthefirst and we encourage you to join us as well. This fun and fearless movement is to encourage women to get closer to their body and truly connect. To FLY is to first love yourself and on the first of each month, be your own healer. Here's how to help Nalie spread the good vibes: 

1. Post a selfie of you feeling your tatas. (Have fun with your clever creativity)
2. Hashtag #feelitonthefirst
3. Tag three of your gals to do the same, and most importantly, love yourself. You're worth it. 

Should you have any questions or comment, feel free to connect with Nalie HERE


The Nice to Meet You Interview is Aile Rėve's signature. It is a way to soulfully connect with the artist and visionary. The N.T.M.Y allows us to take off for a voyage into the furthest reaches of their mind, with love, confidence, humility, and poetry. 

Naná Moon Oyá

Working with Coriander | Travailler avec la coriandre #HerbsMoon #LuneDeGrain

Coriander (also known as cilantro) has eleven components of essential oils, six types of acids (including ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin-C), minerals and vitamins, each having a number of beneficial properties.The health benefits of coriander include its use in the treatment of skin inflammation , high cholesterol levels, diarrhea, mouth ulcers, anemia, indigestion, menstrual disorders, smallpox, conjunctivitis, skin disorders, and blood sugar disorders, while also benefiting eye care. The disinfectant, detoxifying, antiseptic, antifungal and antioxidant properties of coriander are ideal for clearing up skin disorders such as eczema, dryness and fungal infections. 

Coriander is also increasingly popular as a means of preventing nausea, vomiting, and other stomach disorders. Its wealth of bioactive compounds means that new health benefits are always being discovered in this power-packed plant. In addition to these health aspects of the stomach, fresh coriander leaves are excellent appetizers to get your bowels prepared for a large meal. Consuming coriander has been shown to positively reduce blood pressure in many patients suffering from hypertension. As a rich source of calcium, coriander is of great value for people who want to protect the integrity of their bones. Coriander, due to the rich aroma from its essential oils, helps in the proper secretion of enzymes and digestive juices in the stomach, thereby stimulating digestion and peristaltic motion. It is also helpful in treating eating disorders like anorexia. 

En consommant la coriandre quotidiennement, l’on obtient, une amélioration marquée des symptômes abdominaux attribuables au syndrome du côlon irritable. Il semble qu’elle soit en mesure de retarder le passage des aliments de l’estomac à l’intestin. Au niveau des troubles digestifs, la coriandre est considérée comme une épice sûre et efficace dans le traitement de la perte d’appétit, de ballonnements, d’indigestion, des flatulences et des maux d’estomac et crampes. L’huile de coriandre aide dans les cas d’eczéma, de psoriasis et de rosacée également.La coriandre est capable de mobiliser le mercure, le cadmium, le plomb et l’aluminium tant dans les os qu’au niveau du système nerveux central. Les puissants antioxydants de la coriandre protègent le foie et stimulent sa capacité naturelle de se régénérer : bonne nouvelle pour les malades atteint d’alcoolisme et d’hépatite C.

Learning about herbs is beneficial for both cooking and medicine making. Those who are naturally drawn to herbal magic have an affinity with Nature. They innerstand the power of plants, herbs, and flowers, and their place in the world. You do not control nature; you learn to work with it. The power to take control of your health is available to you. You got this. ||| Aile Reve | Herbs Moon Celebration 

Mr Plantes et les plantes médicinales
Organic Facts

#AileReveExhibition "Connectïng the Dots" featuring photographer CARLA from Americus Gorgia

The Aile Rėve Museum presents: 

Photographer: C A R L A from Americus, Georgia

The wide range of patterns that a face painter can create, enhance the emotions and meaning of the cultural events. The shapes and colors convey a strong bond and meaning amongst People who have a face painting tradition. They are a connection to their past and carry a very strong cultural meaning in their lives. The time is ripe to get closer to the source as our Ancestors are manifesting themselves as a great source of Inspiration, Help and Protection. The power to strengthen the bond is available to you.  
| Meet C A R L A  |

C A R L A Photography
Aile Rėve Exhibition

C A R L A Photography 
Aile Rėve Exhibition

C A R L A Photography 
Aile Rėve Exhibition

C A R L A Photography 
Aile Rėve Exhibition

C A R L A Photography 
Aile Rėve Exhibition

C A R L A Photography 
Aile Rėve Exhibition

C A R L A Photography 
Aile Rėve Exhibition

C A R L A Photography 
Aile Rėve Exhibition

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Nice to Meet You Marika Marie-Christine Jeanty | Herbs Moon Celebration Interview Series by Naná Moon Oyå

"I hate to be in the spotlight and I don't like to create waves... A wise friend once told me that you can't call yourself an artist and not want to make waves! He then added stop wanting to please everyone just be yourself. I am working on myself to stop the auto censure process."
- Marika Marie Christine Jeanty

What city do you represent? 
Definitely the one I was born and where I have lived so far for about 32 years Montreal. Im a proud Montrealer of Haitian Descent.
What is your dream in life? 
I am a dreamer you know...that the Fine Arts Museum in Montreal presents a Haitian Art exhibit. To open a place to create links between generations, between individuals of various backgrounds through art and culture...I could go on.
What are you thankful for? 
To be alive. To have core family members in good health. That my son is growing up so well.
Tell us two things that make you smile. 
Only two? I love to smile. Smiling is major cure and it helps bring sunshine to others and in reverse the fact that you illuminated someone else's day will cheer you up. On top of the list my son, my nieces, and my nephews. Also to hear good news concerning someone I care about.

How would you describe your fashion style? 
Classy, comfy, colorful.

What are the three destinations of your dream? 

Well there are many (laughs) but cities in my ancestors countries that I have yet to visit:  I have been to Haiti but not everywhere, I have been to only 2 cities in France and I have yet to go to Spain; There's also Portugal, Indonesia, Australia, Argentina, Brazil...

What music have you been listening on repeat lately? 

Oh wow hard to pick but mostly Jean-Claude Martineau's retrospective album with Ti-Corn and Beethova Obas called Zanmi Nou; Jowee Omicil's 2 recent albums Roots and Groove and Naked; Cecile Mcloran Salvant' Woman Child; Rossa Passos, Luz Casal, Ariane Moffat 22:22... I am a music junkie!

For our Herbs Moon Celebration, we'd like to know what herbs do you regularly use in your cooking? 
Basil, thyme, chives, parsley.

Two things you could never leave home without
Actually there's 3 (laughs): my pen, my notebook and my music.
What are your favourite quotes of the moment? 

  • "Most importantly I stay away from negative energy and surround myself with positivity. Creators have to create in a proper environment." -Steve Pageot
  • "Surround yourself with people that illuminate your path" -Kristen Butler
  • "Open your arms to change but don't let go of your values"  -Dalaï Lama
and well my motto is Live, Love, Laugh and Learn.

Can you recall one of the realest thing you’ve heard your child say? 
That child never ceases to amaze me. I would say (I do not remember the exact wording) when he told that he had a friend that was going through something and he felt that as a friend he needed to provide moral support.

According to you, what is the purpose of life? I think we each have a mission on Earth. I believe mine is to help others and to create links between people. I think the purpose of life is to do our part to create a better world. 
Connect with Marika 

The Nice to Meet You Interview is Aile Rėve's signature. It is a way to soulfully connect with the artist and visionary. The N.T.M.Y allows us to take off for a voyage into the furthest reaches of their mind, with love, confidence, humility, and poetry. 

Naná Moon Oyá

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Nice to Meet You Carla | Herbs Moon Celebration Interview Series by Naná Moon Oyå

"My dream in life is to become one of the greatest fashion photographers."
C A R L A, Americus, Georgia
C A R L A is our featured artist this month for our online exhibition: 

The Interview

What are you thankful for? 
I'm thankful for a lot but most of all I'm thankful for my family and life. 

Two things that make you smile
Having a photoshoot and of course my boyfriend Calvin :)

What music have you been listening on repeat lately? 
I really love Sam Smith and also Omi with his new single Cheerleader 

What are the three destinations of your dream? 
New York ,England and also Paris 

How would you describe your fashion style? 
Being me, ahah! Well a little vintage with a hint of classy, I want to lead and bring forth a new trend in a way. 

What are your two favourite quotes of the moment? 
"To live is to know what truly makes you happy " 
"Focus on the I am's and not the I Can't " 

Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you. 
I'm a shy person but in photos it's a different story; I look like Im the center of attention.

For you, photography is... 
My passion. It's something I want to wake up every morning doing and knowing it's not a job but what truly makes me happy. 

C A R L A, Americus, Georgia

This month, we are celebrating the Herbs Moon. What herbs do you regularly use in your cooking? 
I love to use Jamaican spice and Rosemary.    

According to you, what is the purpose of life? 
It's to live your mark on the world, letting people know that life is what you make it, so never stop dreaming or believing. It's also to find out what truly makes you happy.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Nice to Meet You #CharlieIsBrown | #DareToDream Interview Series by Naná Moon Oyå

"Memory Fest" | Photo: Courtesy of @charlieisbrown
Charlie is Brown @charlieisbrown 


I rescue damsels in distressed jeans. I've also been known to create peace using fleece.

What is your dream in life?
I'd like for every single person to shed their egos and insecurities and have all the means and capabilities to do exactly what they truly love to do. That would make every person happy. The planet would be a lovely place… except if everyone decided that they wanted to murder and steal. That would be super lame. Can I do a redo if that happens? If so, I want to be an integral part of a creative revolution that destroys the current system that's designed to make us all fail. 

If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play you, and why? 

Probably Cockroach from the Cosby Show because he was Theo's best friend. And Theo had an earring in one ear and was super into Gordon Gartrell.  

Two things that make you smile.
My wife and the movie Macruber. You can tell whether you will be friends with someone based on whether they love the movie Macgruber or not. It's a great way to cut to the chase when taking in a new friend resume. Oh and my wife is super funny but she only lets a few people in that lovely head of hers. 

The Spa-Ghettiis, @charlieisbrown
What music have you been listening on repeat lately? 
- The track Hive by Earl Sweatshirt.  Best lyricist ever; he is almost Shakespearean.
- Pharcyde's Bizarre ride II to the Pharcyde. Always.  Best album ever. Front to back.  
So fun and funny and weird.

You are a new addition to a Crayola crayon box. What color are you and why?
Rainbow, because I have a very broad perspective and see everything and everyone with empathetic eyes. 

Without much hesitation, what are your three dream destinations? 
- Merida, Mexico
- Barcelona, Spain
- One of those huts in that turquoise water in all those Instagram pics.

How would you describe your fashion style?
Always comfortable with a tiny strut.

Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you.
That I hate surprises and if I want to do unto others as I do myself, I won't be surprising anyone. No thank you.

Your two favourite quotes of the moment.
Guys with goatees must really love their mouths.  They must love them so much that they build a hairy frame around them; as if it’s a piece of art.  
-          @charlieisbrown (myself)

The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you figure out why.
-          Mark Twain 

For you, Art is...
See above: Mouths with a hairy frame around them. Haha.

When you can sit on that unconscious seat in your soul and let life's moments pass through you. It's almost as if you are happily stoned, taking absolutely everything in and not getting affected by negative mind chatter.  Nothing can bring you down.  It's all about those artful moments.

According to you, what is the purpose of life?
To be spiritually and emotionally happy in your moments yet always striving to be a better version of yourself. And love.