Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Nice to Meet You Yann Loïc Kieffoloh, REDLine101 Visionnaire | #AileReve Interview

A visionary according to me is someone who is not necessarily understood by everyone but which actions reunite everyone.
Yann Loïc Kieffoloh

If dancing is a hidden language of the soul, Yann Loïc Kieffoloh's moon walk speaks it fluently. His general creative power has no limits, his golden rule is to stay true to yourself. Yann says he has no specific style but he carries himself with stylish grace, humility and confidence. His cozy vibes tainted with bright and shiny energy make him one of Montreal's most youngest and precious entrepreneurs who brings movement, change, and transformation everywhere he goes. 

About a year ago, he founded OVS Web TV, a web television designed to make you OVerStep any given limits. His company also provides its clients with advertising, special event photography, video editing, and post-production services. 

Yann is also the founder of REDLine101, a unique Art-meets-Graphics creative company that leaves absolutely no medium unexplored. Through REDLine101, Yann partnered with graphic designer Chadiaben and together came up with an afro fresh'n futuristic clothing line. Their collection Wild and Gold makes an inspiring and stylish statement, one design at a time. 

Photo credit: Öz Photography


Without much hesitation, what are the three destinations of your dream?
South Korea, Japan, China. I didn’t even hesitate a second. (Laughs) Sorry if it sounds too much asian to you but I think there is a lot to learn from those cultures.

One pleasant thing we would be surprised to know about you?
I don’t know if this would surprise you but I prefer to make people happy before I make my own self happy,  I mean if I can make them happy before I do something pleasant for me, I’ll do that first.

If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play you, and why?
Huh... Maybe Will Smith in The Fresh Prince of Bel Air era, lol . I like messing around and kidding with people.

Tell us two things that make you smile.
For sure dancing and life. Life like the interaction with people, the fact that you can share with them and make them happy too.

How would you describe your fashion style?
(Laugh) Honestly, I don't have a specific style, I just dress the way I feel that particular day and I’m trying to be me when I’m dressing. (Laugh) They say you’re never overdressed so...

What music have you been listening on repeat lately?
Oh huh, Doja Cat - No Police, a lot of people doesn’t know her but they should. And Jhené Aiko's music, I just love Jhené! (Laughs).

Your favourite spot in Montreal?
Does my home count ? If so, that's my favourite spot, everything happens there, from my coldest thought to my happiest moment. (Laugh). 

What are your two favorite quotes (of the moment)?
The first one would be a Mark Twain quote which is : “ The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. “ And the second would be from Dr. Seuss :”Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.”

This isn’t an egoist quote, but just to say that you have to believe in yourself, show your real identity to the world.

According to you, what is the purpose of life?
For me, the purpose of life is to be HAPPY. If you refer to the Mark Twain's quote in my previous answer, it's important to find out who you really are, you have to believe in what you can achieve and just don't stop, don’t stop believing and pushing yourself forward, no matter what people say no matter where you think you belong to, just learn from the negative points of your life, and do not rest on your success, there is no waste of time, we’re learning from everything.

For you, a Visionary is…
That one is hard! (Laugh). I’ll try to be the most concrete and brief...
A visionary according to me is someone who is not necessarily understood by everyone but which actions reunite everyone.


One move can bring people together. One move can set a whole generation free. Free to live their dreams. 

Naná Moon Oyá

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