Sunday 28 February 2016

Nice to Meet You Noxolo Ntintili | #DareToDream Interview Series by Naná Moon Oyå

Noxolo Ntintili

My dream is to die having lived a meaningful life. I want to educate and liberate through art; whether it be through photography, music, or whatever my interest will be next week (my interests are too dynamic and ever-changing). My dreams are limitless; but ultimately I want to create a growing awareness and change the narrow-minded and myopic perceptions people have about natural beauty, specifically but not limited to Black Beauty. I represent Johannesburg- The City of Gold and growing dreams. 
- Noxolo NtintiliJohannesburg, South Africa
Photos, courtesy of Noxolo Ntintili

The greatest lesson Mothers teach is that the life we want is on the other side of the labour pains it takes to birth it. Once this life sees the light, it grows, it transforms, it heals, it dies a few times only to live again. Change is the only constant and Noxolo Ntintili is an enchanting DREAMER who is undoubtedly here to become more and more herself. Being natural is not a statement, it is the closest we all get to being ourselves, and being ourselves allows us to manifest immortality. Dreams are real! Nice to meet you Noxolo!

• T H E   I N T E R V I E W • 

Noxolo Ntintili

If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play you, and why?
Lord! Yaya DaCosta, Anyday! She has personality, she is stylish and embraces her natural beauty. She is dynamic and bold. I think she would know just what to do.

What is your favourite spot in Johannesburg?
Braamfontein, it's where all the artistic and lively beings are.

Your three dream destinations.
Angola, Paris and London

What music have you been listening on repeat lately?
SZA, Meshell Ndegeocello, Laura Mvula, Daughter,  Asa, Lauryn Hill, Erykah Badu, The Soil and Little Dragon.

Noxolo Ntintili

How would you describe your fashion style?
I would like to believe that I'm versatile when it comes to fashion. But I think my style is Street Conscious, Urban Chic monitored by comfort.

Two things you could never leave home without. 
The right attitude and my cellphone (with earphones plugged).

What are your two favourite quotes of the moment?

"Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace."
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

"Beauty is so much more than just skin. The feast of the eyes supplies a mere fraction of what lies within. Not just the curves of hips and lips, it's the mind that draws me in."
- Big Rube
From left to right, Noxolo, Oprah, Noxolo's late Mother - may she rests in power. 

Name three people who influenced your journey, and how.

My mother: She taught me how to be resilient, humble and loving and hard working.

Oprah Winfrey: She has taught me the power of giving, and that of gratitude. She has been a mother in many ways and has helped me in my journey of self discovery and has contributed to watering the seed that will feed many nations.

Dwana Smallwood: She was my 9th grade dance teacher. She cultivated the soul in me and made me conscious of my inner beauty. She was strict, but every second was worth it. She taught me how to love my body in its entirety.

For you Art is...
Oxygen. There is no life without art; art is that coil in my kinks. It is expression- it is healing.

According to you, what is the purpose of life?
Life is aligned with growth, and with growth comes rediscovery. The cycle of life exists so that we may learn. Humans are ever changing beings; so the life is a canvas for the art of living, and dreaming. 

Connect with Noxolo Ntintili via @blue_paradiseus

Naná Moon Oyå

Friday 26 February 2016

Nice to Meet You Jelani Cleghorne • Dare to DREAM Series

I understand within myself that my duty in life is to build a platform that allows others to reach their dreams. To have a leap of faith and make it happen regardless of the situations around them. I take pride every day to put myself in a creative state so that my dream of helping others never fades. I believe that life is more than just a 9 to 5 and I’m focused on establishing a foundation that allows me to reach out to people on how they can take risks to achieve their goals.

- Jelani Cleghorne, Los Angeles
Photo, courtesy of Jelani Cleghorne

T H E   I N T E R V I E W • 

If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play you and why?
That’s such a great question because I’ve never been asked that in regards of my life. If there was a movie produced about my life, I would have to say Omar Epps to play the role of me. Reason why? Since I was a kid, my family have always said that I’ve looked like the actor and people around me started to catch on and call me his character names from movies. I feel like he’ll get the job done because he’s a good actor and we look alike so people would think I’m actually playing in my own movie ha-ha.

What do you love about yourself?
To be honest, I love everything about myself. The good, the bad & the ugly. I wouldn’t want to be anyone else but myself. I say that because I’ve learned to love my strengths and weaknesses. My best and worst attributes. My values and my religion. In order to be at peace within yourself, you have to take the time and look yourself in the mirror. Once you find that happiness and love, everything else doesn’t matter because you can live your life the way you want to live it.

Name two people who influenced your journey thus far 
My parents & my best friend Otis. My parents have been with me through the whole crazy process of becoming a man. They’ve supported my dreams and picked me up when I was in the dumps. I wouldn’t be the man I am today if it wasn’t for them. My best friend Otis that passed away in 2011 taught me every day values that I wear with me everywhere I go. His ambition, drive & passion towards his dreams led me to the creative, artistic and most importantly dedicated man today. I will forever thank him for his contributions and will continue to live my life to honor him.

What have you been reading lately?
I haven’t been reading any new books lately, just a lot of lifestyle, entrepreneurship & marketing articles.

What are the three destinations of your dreams?
• Paris, France
• UK 
Tokyo, Japan

Photo, Courtesy of Jelani Cleghorne @jetsavvy

How would you describe your fashion style?
My fashion style is adaptive. Different sceneries require different looks. From dapper to euro urban, my style represents how I feel at that time.    

Tell us two things that make you smile.
I love to smile. Smiling is such an infectious action that it’s needed more in our communities. One of things that make me smile is when people genuinely love the visuals I create and go out their way to let me know. The other would have to be my family. I love when I see my family happy. My parents told me repeatedly to never allow others to get you down. If you see someone not having a good day, take the time to let them know that everything will be ok, tomorrow is another day.

What are your two favorite quotes of the moment?
·  “You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them”

·   “When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better”

Tell us one pleasant thing people would be surprised to know about you. 
I’m a huge fan of original score music. I listen to that sound everyday. It’s epic!!!

For you, Art is...
Art is your reflection. Your perception of fantasy. Your ideas created into expression. It doesn’t have to make sense because it’s what you love to put together. Art is rare. 

According to you, what is the purpose of life?
The purpose of life to me is simple. Live the life you want to live. Take that leap and do what you want to do even if no one agrees. There’s so much to explore in this world and it’s wrong for us to not put ourselves in a situation to see what the world has to offer. Live. Love. Explore.

Photo, Courtesy of Jelani Cleghorne
Connect with Jelani here: @jetsavvy

The Nice to Meet You Interview is Aile Rėve's signature. It is our way to soulfully connect with the artist and visionary. The NTMY allows us to take off for a voyage into the furthest reaches of their mind, with love, humility, and poetry.

Anaëlle Naná Moon Oyå
Mermaid-in-Chief @AileReve 

Monday 22 February 2016

Nice to Meet You Botswele Mogotlane • Dare to DREAM Series: Celebrate Yourself

My dream is to open a philanthropic foundation that provides funds for arts and culture in underprivileged communities across Africa.
- Botswele Mogotlane
Johannesburg (South Africa)
Photo by Zeno Petersen

T H E   I N T E R V I E W • 

What do you love about yourself?
Tenacity to go for whatever I want regardless of the aftermath.

Name two people who influenced your journey thus far 

•  Sbusiso Leope...the 1st black man to own a succesfull energy drink in Africa, he continues to inspire a generation of hopefuls from disadvantaged backgrounds with his enthusiasm, hard work and wisdom

•  It may come as a surprise to many, because he's most hated for his so called arrogance. Kanye West has to be one of the people that I look up to, I admire his tenacity to do whatever he put his mind to. He's prudent  and unapprehensive.

What have you been reading lately?
"Roar of the Lion" by Chika Onyeani

What are the three destinations of your dreams?
• Kenya
• Norway
• Switzerland  

Tell us two things that make you smile.
Green fields and my mother's smile

What are your two favorite quotes of the moment?

"We must be risk takers rather than risk averters." - Chika Onyeani

" There is beauty in the struggle." - James T Adair

Tell us one pleasant thing people would be surprised to know about you. 
I'm obssessed with everything African Print.

For you, Art is...
...a Healer.

According to you, what is the purpose of life?
"Find your gift. Share your gift"

Connect with Botswele here @botswele 

The Nice to Meet You Interview is Aile Rėve's signature. It is our way to soulfully connect with the artist and visionary. The NTMY allows us to take off for a voyage into the furthest reaches of their mind, with love, humility, and poetry.

Anaëlle Naná Moon Oyå
Mermaid-in-Chief @AileReve 

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Nice to Meet You Corey Nicole • Dare to DREAM Series: Celebrate Yourself

My dream in life is to live without worry of money or other ephemeral things that we tend to get so bogged down with. My dream is to not let materialistic motivations or aspirations consume me or the folk I love. One of my dream goal is to successfully start a holistic skin and hair care system with my mother (which we are working on as I type!)

- Corey Nicole, North Carolina 

T H E   I N T E R V I E W • 

What do you love about yourself?
If I was asked this question 2 years ago or even last year, I don't think I would have had a definitive answer. I have fallen in love with my ability to be transparent no matter the context, no matter the audience, no matter the situation. What you see from me is what you get. I am physically incapable of hiding behind a facade to appease others or to make others comfortable. In my adolescence this trait became a source of derision in certain relationships. But I came to realize the individuals that were uncomfortable with my transparency were uncomfortable with who they truly are and consistently had to switch filters to be liked or appreciated by whomever was in their presence. I am me, Corey Nicole, in the light and in the dark. I am Corey Nicole at work, at home, and at play. What I love about myself is my inability to hide the beauty of who I truly am, even if others deem it as unattractive!

What have you been reading lately?
I read at least 2-3 books a month. I just finished Helen Oyeyemi's "Boy, Snow, Bird", and I am finishing re-reading James Baldwin's "Giovanni's Room".

What are the three destinations of your dreams?
• Brazil
• Sidney, Australia
• Tokyo, Japan

How would you describe your fashion style?
My style is my own. I don't follow trends. I like to nickname my style as "tomboy-boho-chic-street" -- a mixture of Bohemian layered vibes, with chic tailored accent pieces, and street wear thrown into the mix.    

Tell us two things that make you smile.
• My brothers. I have 5 brothers and all 5 make me smile in a different way.
• Children — Corey loves the kids!

What are your two favorite quotes of the moment?

• Everything permissible is not beneficial. - 1 Cor 6:12
• Ain't nothin' to it but to do it. - Martin Payne, "Martin" sitcom

Tell us one pleasant thing people would be surprised to know about you. 
Although I am a passionate tomboy in style, I am VERY feminine. Nails, hair... everything.

For you, Art is... expression. For me art is not always necessarily translatable. Sometimes, art connects with everyone or a selective audience. Art is love and Art is life.

According to you, what is the purpose of life?
The purpose of life is to love one another, even the ones that do not love you first. 

Photos, courtesy of Corey Nicole


The Nice to Meet You Interview is Aile Rėve's signature. It is our way to soulfully connect with the artist and visionary. The NTMY allows us to take off for a voyage into the furthest reaches of their mind, with love, humility, and poetry.

Anaëlle Naná Moon Oyå
Mermaid-in-Chief @AileReve 

Monday 1 February 2016

Nice to Meet You Ma'liCiouz | Rencontre avec Ma'liCiouZ

"Citizen of the Earth, Montrealer of Haitian origin, coming from Alkebulan. My inspiration comes from my roots". 
-Ma'liCiouZ, Earth.
 "Citoyenne de la Terre, Montréalaise d'origine Haïtienne, originaire d'Alkebulan, de mes racines je m'inspire."  
Ma’liCiouZ, Terre.

For the celebration of her first quarter century, Ma'liCiouz was presenting her premier solo exhibition where her artwork took us back to the roots with a modern vision. Ma'liCiouZ's universe revives, enchants, inspires, give thanks, and arouses powerful emotions. Through her murals or her paintings (body painting or on canvas), whether she's in her studio, outside, or live, she eventuates a unique futuristic afro urban art, full of magic, depth, and life. 

Pour la célébration de son quart de siècle, elle présentait sa première exposition solo où ses oeuvres nous ont fait voyager entre racines et modernité. L'univers de Ma’liCiouZ ravive, enchante, inspire, rend grâce, et suscite de fortes émotions.  À travers la murale ou la peinture (corporelle ou sur toile), que ce soit dans son atelier, dehors, ou encore en direct, elle extériorise  un art urbain afro-futuriste en son genre, magique, profond et vivifiant. 

• The Interview  
(L'entrevue en français plus bas)

What have you been reading lately?
Lately, I've been reading many books on entrepreneurship and I stay connected daily with the art scene via different websites and blogs. 

Without much hesitation, what are your three dream destinations?
Ah lala, Haiti! If I could go back tomorrow, I would. I am very fortunate to come from there, and that's why it's my ultimate dream destination.

I also want to discover the rest of the World, but since I must mention only three destinations, I'd say Laos. I literally fell in love after having seen pictures of my friend's trip there. I would really love to visit the ruins of ancient temples. I also want to visit Africa. I would start in Ethiopia. 

What music have you been playing on repeat lately?
"This is Life" by Grace Jones. Lately, whenever I want to start something, this is the song that officially marks the beginning. I live home playing this song, I get to my studio and I play it again. I just love the vibe. 

Photo: BlackMarket de Montréal

How would you describe your fashion style?
I would say that my style is afro urban. I love my head-wrap-and-sneakers type of day; I feel royal and cozy. I also love wearing high heels but when I'm dressing, the head wrap is the essential. I love their colourful fabric and those with African or Caribbean prints. My clothes are pretty minimalistic, I just jazz it up with a personalized element such as a handbag, sneakers, high heels or a leather or denim jacket. 

What are your two favorite quotes (of the moment)?
We do what we can with what we have, and with what we have we do whatever we want!
 - Ma'

The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.
- Caroline Myss

Tell us two things that make you smile.
Seeing happy people and walking in the rain while listening to music. 

For you, Art is...
The proof that God exists. It's that something larger than ourselves that manage to bring at our own level. It's the overflow, the nothingness. It's the concrete expression of the universe we carry within us. Its our essence, it's nature, the profound feeling. It's what we don't understand but can perfectly describe. Art is this long-lasting fraction of a second, and it's also about stopping time and space in a moment. Art is Life, and it's to remember Life.  

According to you, what is the purpose of life?
First and foremost, the purpose of Life is to LIVE. To live is to Be. It's very important to always keep that in mind because we tend to take what Life is about for granted. I believe that each and everyone of us is born with a mission and we have to accomplish it during this journey, may it be through a talent, a quality, something which defines and characterizes us, and that by simply being ourselves, we can leave this accomplishment as an inheritance to humanity.

Connect with Ma'liCiouZ


Que lis-tu en ce moment?
Ces temps-ci, je lis surtout des articles sur l’entrepreneuriat et sur ce qui se passe dans le milieu artistique que je pige sur différents sites et blogues quotidiennement.

Quelles sont trois destinations de rêve si tu pouvais partir maintenant?
Ah lala, Haïti! Si je pouvais y retourner demain, j’irais! Ce pays, d’où j’ai la chance d’avoir mes racines est officiellement ma destination de rêve, et depuis que j’y suis allée (tout récemment), en faire le tour est devenu un rêve, un plan.

Ensuite il y a tout le reste du Monde que je veux découvrir mais puisqu’il ne faut citer que trois endroits, je dirais le Laos. Je suis littéralement tombé en amour en voyant des photos de voyage d’une amie qui y est allée. J’aimerais beaucoup y visiter les ruines d’anciens temples. Puis, je veux aller en Éthiopie et faire le tour de l’Afrique en commençant par là.

Quelle chanson écoutes-tu en boucle ces derniers temps?
"This is Life" de Grace Jones! C’est temps-ci, quand j’entame quelque chose, c’est la chanson qui en marque le commencement. Je sors de chez moi, je fais jouer cette chanson dans mes écouteurs; j’arrive à mon atelier, je mets cette chanson. J’aime le vibe.

Comment décrirais-tu ton style?
Je dirais que mon style est afro urbain. J’aime beaucoup mes journées headwrap et sneakers où je me sens royale et confo. J’aime aussi beaucoup porter des talons hauts. Quand je m’habille, le headwrap c’est la base! J’aime en porter qui sont fait de tissus colorés ou imprimés qui rappellent les Antilles ou l’Afrique. Sinon, je porte généralement des vêtements plutôt simples aux couleurs neutres puis j’ajoute un élément que j’ai personnalisé: soit sacoche, sneakers ou talon hauts, coat en cuir ou en jeans.

Partage avec nous une ou deux de tes citations préférées.

On fait ce qu’on peut avec ce qu’on a et avec ce qu’on a, on fait ce qu’on veut! -Ma’

“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.”
- Caroline Myss

Deux choses qui te font sourire.

Voir les gens être heureux et marcher sous la pluie en écoutant de la musique.

Pour toi l’art c’est…
Pour moi, l’Art, c’est la preuve que Dieu existe. C’est ce qui nous dépasse mais qu’on ramène à notre échelle. C’est le trop plein, le néant. C’est la matérialisation de l’Univers qu’on porte en nous, c’est notre essence, c’est la nature, c’est le sentiment profond. C’est ce qu’on ne comprend pas mais qu’on arrive parfaitement à décrire. L’art, c’est cette sublime fraction de seconde qui dure longtemps, c’est l’arrêt du temps. L’Art…c’est la Vie, c’est se souvenir de la Vie.

D'après toi, quel est le but de la vie?
Le but de la vie est de tout d’abord de VIVRE. Et vivre, c’est Être. C’est important de se le rappeler car souvent on le prend pour acquis et on l’oublie dans le traintrain quotidien de ce qu’on prend pour la vie. Je crois que chacun de nous est née porteur d’une mission que l’on a à accomplir lors de ce voyage sois à travers un talent, une capacité, une qualité, quelque chose qui nous caractérise et qu’on peut, par notre simple façon d’être ou par nos réalisations laisser en héritage à l’humanité.

Connectez-vous à Ma'liCiouZ

Naná Moon Oyå